
AdSense - contextual ad program by Google

Adbrite - sell text ads

Amazon Associates - popular affiliate program

AdGenta - text ads by Qumana (see ‘Q’)

AdRotator - WP ad rotating plugin

Akismet - Comment Spam Fighting Tool

Adhearus - pay per click advertising

AdWords - the advertisers side of AdSense - many bloggers use it to promote their blogs

AzoogleAds - advertising system

Audio Blogger - adds audio to your blog


Bidvertiser - bid based advertising

Blog Ads - blog advertising network

Blog Jet - blog editing tool

Blog Desk - blog editing tool

Bloglines - Web based RSS feed reader

BlogPulse - blog search tool

BlogPolls - tool for putting polls on your blog

Blog Poll - another blog poll tool

Backpackit - useful organizational tool - blog platform

Bloggers for Hire - bloggers looking for work and potential employers looking for bloggers - service for find guest bloggers while you take a holiday

BlogBurst - syndicates bloggers content for mainstream medium

BlogFlux - blog services portal

BlogRolling - a blogroll management tool

Blogbeat - blog metrics tool

Blogger Jobs - a blog following the advertising of blog jobs


Chitika eMiniMalls - advertising program

CrispAds - blog advertising network

Creative Commons - copyright licenses

Copyscape - tool for checking for content theft/plagiarism

Clicksor - advertising program

Clickbank - library of many affiliate products

Commission Junction - collection of many affiliate programs

Casale Media - advertising solution

D - social bookmarking

Digg - social bookmarking

Drupal - blog platform

DomainsBot - a tool for finding domain names

Digital Point - useful forum for webmasters


Ecto - blog editing tool

Expression Engine - blog platform

Endo - News aggregator for Mac Users

Ether - lets readers book a consulting call with you from your sidebar


Feedburner - RSS feed management tool - also provides Feed Advertising

Feedster - RSS search Tool

FeedDemon - RSS reader from NewsGator

FeedBlitz - email blog and RSS subscription service

Flickr - photo sharing and hosting

Flock - a browser with in built blogging

Furl - social bookmarking

Free Blog Polls

FilmLoop - free photocasting network

Feedpass - RSS management - integrates with AdSense

Favicon Maker - make Favicons from photos


Google Analytics - Metrics Tool

Gabbly - add chat to your blog

Google Reader - RSS reader

Gnoos - Australian made blog search tool

Google News - tracking news - many use it as a source of content

Google Blog Search - Google’s…. blog search

Google Sitemaps - get indexed in Google


Haloscan - a free commenting system for blogs (a little dated but I was a tad desperate for a ‘H’


IntelliTXT - In text advertising

Ice Rocket
- blog search engine


Jar (as in Tip Jar) - many bloggers ask their readers for donations/tips - but few make much from them


Kanoodle - Advertising program

Kontera - In text advertising

Keyword and Backlink Tracker - Search Engine ranking tool


LiveJournal - Blog Platform

Linkshare - Affiliate Program


Mars Edit - Blog Editing Tool

Memeorandum - Tracking and Aggregating news from blogs

MyBlogLog - Metrics Tool

Mint - Blog Metrics Tool

MovableType - Popular blog platform

MeCommerce - Sidebar shop - in beta

MSN Adcenter - Coming Soon - Contextual ads


NewsGator - RSS News Readers

Nichebot - keyword research tool

Nameboy - domain name generator

Nucleus CMS - open source blog platform

Netvibes - RSS News Aggregator

Netscape Beta - Social Bookmarking Tool


Only Wire - social bookmarking service

Overture Keyword Tool - keyword research tool


Performancing - great blog, firefox blog editor and metrics tools

Pheedo - RSS advertising

Post2Blog - Blog Editing tool - blog using Word, IE or Firefox

Pingoat - Pinging Tool

Pingomatic - Pinging Tool

pMachine - Blog Platform

Paypal - Payment tool - used by many affiliate programs and ad systems to pay publishers

PPCalc - Paypal Fee Calculator

PubSub - service that notifies you of new content

Photobucket - image and video hosting


Qumana - Blog Editing Tool


Rojo - RSS feed reader

RocketPost - Blog posting tool

Right Media - advertising

Rmail - subscribe from any RSS feed to email


Sitemeter - a free website stats tool used by many bloggers

Six Figure Blogging - learn to make money blogging (one of my blogging resources)

Scoopt Words - service to sell bloggers content to mainstream media editors

Sitening - Search Engine ranking tracker

Sparklines - sidebar widgets/graphs

Skype - VOIP tool for networking, podcast interviews etc

Spam Karma - WP comment spam tool

Sitepoint - Forums for webmasters

Slide - photo hosting, slideshows etc

SoloSub - RSS feed management tool

Squidoo - good alternative place to put content, make money and promote your blog


Text Link Ads - text link advertising system

Technorati - Blog Search engine

Topix - News service - used by many bloggers to find stories

TagCloud - tool for making tag clouds

TinyURL - make long URLs tiny ones

TypePad - Hosted Blogging Platform

Tribal Fusion - Impression Based Ads

3bubbles - live chat on a blog


Unobtrusive Sidenotes - a way of putting sidenotes in your posts


ValueClick - Impression Based Ad Program (was FastClick)

Vizu - blog polls tool

Vox - a new blogging/social bookmarking platform from Six Apart (in beta)


WordPress - Blog Platform - very popular

w.bloggar - blog editing tool

Webpad - web based text editor - recently updated blogs - aggregator

WebmasterWorld - forums for webmasters


Xanga - Weblog Community


YPN - Contextual Advertising Service

Yutter - RSS/Blog Subscription Service

YouTube - Video Hosting/Sharing

Yutter - RSS/Blog Subscription Service

Yahoo News - Tracking News from around the Web


Zookoda - RSS to Email and Newsletter tool

Zoudry - blog editor