Lesson 10: Get Richly Linked
Your basic goal as a money-making blogger is to get as many links as possible to and from your site across the world wide web. The basic concept of link building is to get as much links of your sites sprinkled all over the web, which will build your traffic by having more exposure to your site.
Here are some simple and effective link building strategies:
1. Put yourself in your reader's shoes
Who are your potential blog visitors? You need to understand their search behaviour before you know how to market to them. Imagine you were a reader wanting to find out about designer sunglasses for instance, where would they look - designer blogs, design search engines, celebrity sites perhaps...so if you had a blog on designer sunglases it woud make sense to go to these sites and exchange links.
2.It pays to have a good content
If you want to exchange links with other sites, it is best if you already have well-developed website content of your own. Most sites will not want to exchange links with a lack-lustre site.
3. Media sites are a good place to start
If you are set to start a link building campaign, better start one at media sites. Strategic locations like these can jumpstart your campaign for traffic. If you get linked to one of these sites, others would be encouraged to link you as well because these sites have an extremely large audience.
4. Identify your link targets
Link building strategy is basically knowing the tops sites where you are likely to attract visitors and adding your own link to that site. It is like building your network of links and all the sites you chose has a common denominator that is associated to your site. List down at least a hundred of these sites and check each site if they can post your link if you write a review or submit your writings to their site. If users are interested in the sites you chose to have a link on, they are most likely to pay your site a visit as well.
5. Evaluate your link building campaign
To know if your link building strategies worked, you should monitor your traffic closer. Determine which sites generated more visitors. Check your search engine ranking and more importantly, how your revenues increased because of your link building strategies.